What Are You Reading?

I'm joining in with Neevie's WHAT ARE YOU READING? meme, and basically, all you have to do is...

Add the button to your blog:

  • Tell us the Title and Author
  • Show us the Cover
  • Share the Blurb/ a brief summary
  • Thoughts so far
  • Any other information  you want to include  eg. opening line, snippet from the middle...

That part ^^ 's background came out brown, didn't it? *blank stare*

Anyway, I've already added it the button to my sidebar, so here we go!

I am reading...

Ballad by Maggie Steifvater!

I still need to review Lament, the first one, but I've got like 16 reviews that I've been asked to do, so it'll have to wait..(:

The blurb:

You're all going to hate me, but I've Googled it and can't find it anywhere, and since the book is in my bedroom and I'm in the living room... *sigh* Sorry guys, but you'll just have to wait for the review!(:

Thoughts so far:

Hmm.. I've only just stared so I haven't really read anything to judge it on. But Lament, the book before this, was BRILLIANT, and now this is being told in a different POV. It's a good idea, but maybe just a tweensy bit confusing..?

Any other things:

Oh, erm... I haven't really got anything else to say about it, as I'm only on like page 2 :L Sorreeeeeeee!


AND, I'm sure you'll all be VERY happy to hear that WHY Cupcakes has it's own business cards! I baked some heart fairy cakes and created a cute little origami box, placed three neatly inside, put a floppy sunflower sticker thing to tie it together on the top and put little gem hearts on the sides, and then gave it to my new neighbours downstairs! And even if I do say so myself, they were probably the best batch that I've ever made - I couldn't stop stuffing!

AND, how cute is this little fella?!

Needle felted donkey - RESERVED for Amy-Anne Williams

Because I've got an interview with the designer for next month! WOOOHOOO! Stay tuned!!



  1. Well done on Why Cupckaes! *Sigh* I'd love to own a cupcake business *wistful stare*
    Btw, I think it's spelt BallAd not BallEd. Sorry, I'm kind of a spelling phsyco :)

  2. Just had a look and yes you are right(: I've changed it now, so no one will ever know..(;


  3. Teehee...
    Also, where did you get your background?
    It's awesome!
