January 17, 2013

Odd- Deep Breaths -Socks

Now what is this 'latest craze' about odd socks? And is it me or are they just downright annoying??

Imagine this, your checking out the outfits on a catwalk, when a model walks on in ODD SOCKS. The illusion is shattered, it turns out the designer has no fashion taste WHATSOEVER.

And now, even worse - odd SHOES! Who in their right mind would go out in ODD SHOES?!

2013 is off to a BAAAD start, who knows what'll happen next! Leggings with one green leg, one red leg? Half-and-half t-shirts? Oh the shame!

What's your opinion of odd socks? Are you wearing some right now??? Are you in denial????



  1. I admittedly wear odd socks if I get up late for school and can only find one penguin sock and another fire engine sock! I used to wear them a lot and have nothing against them… But I see what you mean about the whole 'model walking onto the catwalk' scenario! :P

  2. I have no problem with odd socks, and shoes to a lesser extent. For instance, different coloured Converse. I actually quite like them and think they look funky. It's not for everyone, and it really depends on the rest of your outfit. But if you're feeling a bit zany - hey, why not? As an example of when it's not a fashion statement: I have very few pairs of socks, because I care so little about clothes it's unreal. And the pairs that I do have are peppered with stonking great holes. So I just grab the first two socks that I see in my drawer and, yes, often these will be mismatching. With no heel or toes. But everyone has their own opinion, I suppose. If you can carry it off, or if you simply don't care, then go with it (:

    1. Your an ODD SOCK LOVER?!

      I get what you mean but... REALLY?! :O

  3. I'm personally too lazy to match my socks, but if they're already together, it's not like I'd go out of my way to mix them up :P

    1. Although I do have a love for asymmetrical outfits. And my friend has these beautiful jeans (that I WANT) that have one leg black, the other white.

  4. hahaha i never match my socks, i should probably start doing that... it's never crazy like a white and a purple, its just different brands with different logos, but those types of things don't really bug me.
    hope you're having a great day!

    1. Thanks!

      And you are a supporter of the Odd Socks?

