January 16, 2013

Blog Button!

I've been sent three potential blog buttons by Rebecca Stone, and I am completely IN LOVE with all of them! So, I've decided that I will use one  as my new blog button! But which one? Just comment below, email me or tweet me about which button I should use, and it will be the winner of my latest competition!




And yes, I know my posts aren't getting any longer, but I'm working on it!



  1. They are beautiful! I think you should use 2 if you want it to go with your colour scheme... But I also think 1 could look amazing! :)

  2. yeah same I love the first one!

  3. Awww, does this mean I can't enter the contest now?
    But I vote for #2. #1 is also gorgeous, but I think 2 is maybe more sophisticated? Maybe I just have a tendency towards black and white :P

    1. I'll put up another competition soon, is that okay?

      And I like #2 but... I like the vibrancy of #1!

  4. only a week and a day till london dungeons! i cant wait for my bday!!!!oh and i like number 1 ( and that wierd thing next to it which i can not find on my key board!)xxx (PS..i was thinking of adding a extra page to cecilyunibrow@gmail.com all about music soooo whats your fav top 5)

    1. Ooh, great idea! Erm...

      1) Alex Goot - I Knew You Were Trouble
      2) Alex Goot - How To Save A Life
      3) Paloma Faith - New York

      And the rest are all either New York or Alex Goot themed (;

  5. Yeah! I love all the three which you mentioned in your blog.
