June 09, 2012

The WiT Blog Award!!

You heard right, I've decided to announce my own blog award! The reason is because the atmosphere is so lovely at the moment, with the sun shining through my bedroom window, Heart Radio playing in the background, my dog laying asleep on the edge of my bed, I really feel like launching an ambition!

The WiT Blog Award. Everyone loves awards, right? A reader asked me the other day how she could get an award, and that's how I realised just how HARD it is. And so, the idea hit me in the head and shook hands with my brain (metaphorically, of course), and HERE IT IS!!

THE award of the century, is TRES easy to gain. All you need to do is have the following things...

-Have over twenty blog followers
-Have over five-hundred page views
-Have over twenty blog comments (on the whole)

Most people should have that, but if you don't then it shouldn't take long. I got those within my first MONTH of blogging, so don't fret!

If you pass all three properties, all you'd need to gain the award is write a post about the WiT Blog Award! Then, to make it official, just add the award to your sidebar. I've created a few images, but you're free to make your own!


If you've gained the WiT Blog Award, or have any further questions, just comment below. I'd love WiT to become international!

Founder of WiT


  1. That is so weird, I was totally going to start up my own award only yesterday! LOL.
    I'll do it at a later date now, I guess.

    What does WiT stand for, if anything?

    1. Honestly? What were you going to do yours on?

      And WiT represents many things. The 'Writing in Transit' Blog Award, The 'Witty' Blog Award, The 'Willingly Inspired Talk' Blog Award, loads really. Overall they represent a well-loved blog enjoyed by many - you should go up for it lol!


    2. I wasn't really sure, I was contemplating tons of ideas in my head. LOL.

      Sounds cool, I might do so. ;)

    3. I did it. Thanks. Also, I hope you don't mind but I made my own logo for it, nothing special, a five minute job. :)

  2. The post dedicated to me! Love it! And yes what does WiT stand for?

    1. As I said above to the Opinionated Duck, WiT meams a whole bunch of things. I wasn't going to say in my post because honestly you can interpret WiT anyway you want. Oh, and I didn't know whether to mention your name or not in the post, so I just said 'a reader' lol!(:

  3. Yay I can have this! Was on awards page and looking... I can have it!
