June 10, 2012

My Fashion Studio(:

Apparently I change my mind like the wind as to what I want to do when I'm older. I admit, I have to agree, as I now want to be a fashion designer. I've changed my writing workshop (bedroom) to photography office (bedroom) to small rollerskating centre (bedroom) to fashion studio (bedroom). And so, to celebrate my new Fashion Designer instinct, I'm going to give you a tour... you're welcome(:

 Draw stuffed with fabrics (bit blurry sorry)

 Carson my old sewing buddy (sad, I know)

 Some fabric characters I made today

My sewing kit 

Notebooks and pens used to design outfits 

 Reference books

 Music to listen to whilst working(:

 My Big Boss Chair (I've had to stop myself several times as not to stick big googly eyes on it...(: )

 A card I recieved because I WAS meant to do my Design GCSE early, before my teacher DITCHED me for her son... *grumbles*

A bunch of bags I've made (ignore the fact that the picture is pink...)

What one of the (unfinished) bags look like - next post will be on how to make your own(:

I found everything dotted around the house, so I shoved it all into my bedroom, yet I think I have everything already to become an internationally famous fashion designer(:

So you'll be seeing a heloova lot of Beauty Posts for the next week or so...

No need to thank me(:



  1. As soon as I saw the name for the post I had to read it! I LOVE Fashion & Design!! Can't wait to see the post on how to make your own bag will be posting what mine looks like soon after. Can see LOADS of Jacqueline Wilson stuff, do you get her magazine? I do x

    1. Oh that haha(: Sort of, I only get it if it includes something I might like, like pens or notepads or mini books. I'm a sort-of fan, except that when I went to her book signing she completely blanked me, and I'd even made a Tracy Beaker t-shirt): ... Well I looooove the idea of your post! I'll have to link it to my blog!!!(: <3
