June 12, 2014

feminism, equal rights, double standards

Just a short post for now - exams are literally plugging up my breathing hole. But once they've all died out I'll be a better blogger to you guys, promise.

Okay, so we were talking in Sociology about feminism, and what it means to fully believe in equal rights. I've always been like woo I'm such a feminist and even considered joining those rally things where people hold up signs and moan about what's wrong with the world. But then I really thought about what it means to be a feminist, and honestly, I think I've been living by massive double standards.

I tend to watch rom-coms most than any other film, and always go aw and shucks whenever the guy buys the girl a teddy or opens the door for her or wins her a prize at a carnival, etc etc. So really, does this mean I'm not a feminist, just because I wouldn't expect a woman to do it for a man? And, actually, does this make me a bad person?

Also, in media class we were discussing the stereotypical film characters that tend to appear in every single genre. Mainly, you get the big, strong, 'manly' man, and the beautiful, yet weak, 'girly' girl. When we were describing the physique of a weedy geek guy, my teacher literally called him girly. But since when is the female pronoun associated with weakness? Since when have I been offended to be stated a girl? I'm just saying it's interesting.

The thing is, I'd love to be a full-fledged feminist and be so confident with myself that I don't shave or wear makeup, but to be honest I'm just too darn self-conscious - sucks, I know.

So, would any of you guys devote yourselves to the world of feminism? Or do you disagree with what feminists stand for? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I don't think feminism is about not shaving and stuff if you do it to boost your own confidence

    1. that's what i mean, but i also guess that equality is a part of it - if men don't need to shave, why do women?

  2. Love your blog, your header is so pretty too :)
    I don't consider myself a feminist..I mean, I do believe woman and men should be treated equally only to an extent. Women and men were not made the same, so why are we trying to make everything about them equal? Lol this topic had costs me a lot of essays in my English class, but it is pretty interesting :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'll be sure to drop by here again soon!

    MJ little panda crafts

    1. thanks, and I get what you mean. but then again, why should they be treated different just because of their genital variation?

  3. I'm not quite sure as to whether I'd classify as a 'feminist' or not, because really, what does it mean? The literal definition is someone, male or female, who supports equal rights. However, this is not the case. 'Feminism' states that men and women should be equal across ALL fields, but you wouldn't expect an average woman to work herself room death on a building site, because it isn't fitting. Do you understand?

    1. Yes I know what you mean, but if there was a woman on that building site it's over 50% likely that she'd be getting paid less than him, even if she does the exact same thing and has the exact same skills, she'd still be depicted as 'weak' which is uber irritating.

  4. Preach it!!!!!!! We need more feminists.

    Ivana @ BookishTeens

  5. Oh it drives me CRAZY when people or books or movies use phrases like "don't act like a girl" or "you scream like a girl"...whatever, and etc. GAH. It's very annoying and degrading and I wish society could move past sexism already. Buuut...it's not going to happen in a rush. ;) I'm a feminist, although I think there are ALL kinds of people, and sometimes girls do want/need protecting by a guy or something...but seriously? That shouldn't be the be-all-and-end-all. I don't think shaving/wearing makeup really is a thing against feminism, but that's just my opinion! Girls who wear pink and giggle are not wrong. x) GREAT post discussion, btw! Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!
