May 13, 2014


Sorry for not posting yesterday, but I'm super ill with tonsillitis, a full-on cold complete with temperature and snotty nose, and, worst of all, I think I'm (sadly) lactose intolerant, and feeling a bit mehh from my lactose slip the other day. Being ill like this is super sucky as I'm meant to be on my work experience placement this week, and today I was meant to sit in on a board meeting which would have been cool. Would have. ~sigh~

Anyway, again I'm sorry for the pathetic post but I'm feeling pretty run down. I wasn't going to post at all until I felt better, but figured that I owe you guys a bit more respect than that. Hopefully, I'll be (practically) fully recovered by Thursday, so I'll post something of goodish quality then.

On the upside, MY PARENTS JUST BOUGHT TICKETS FOR THE JAMES BLUNT MOONLANDING TOUR!!!!! Now that's enough to make anyone better (:

Image courtesy of the James Blunt official website.


  1. Dude! Feel better soon! Is lactose intolerant mean that you can't have any dairy?
    Also, who in the world is James Blunt?? Haha, is he a musician or something??

    1. thank you, and yeah HOW SUCKY IS THAT? goodbye cinema popcorn...

      and... just... WHAT? how can you possibly NOT KNOW who James Blunt is??? sings many legendary top chart awesomely awesome songs such as Goodbye My Lover, Bonfire Heart, Cry, 1973???

    2. Hmm, never heard of those songs. Is he only popular in Europe? Because then I probably wouldn't know him, lol. #American Yes, I just hash-tagged. (I'm so ashamed of myself right now!)

    3. so you should! (i kid) ~cough~ not (;
      he's not really famous in Europe to be honest, but he has been top of the charts a handful of times. if you wanted you could always, y'know, YouTube him....

  2. Hey Amy! I'm Eve, the one you asked to make some changes to your blog. :)
    If you still want me to do it please contact me. Thanks. <3

    1. oh hi!
      it's been a long time, hasn't it?
      i'll get onto writing an email in the afternoon (currently 4am here), if that's okay with you.

  3. Ew tonsillitis is the worst :(

    get well soon!

  4. I tagged you!

  5. Oh so cool! :) I hope you get better soon, and enjoy the concert! :)
    Grace xxx ♥
