April 28, 2014

the sunflower award

A massive thank you to Hilda, for nominating me for this award over at her blog!
For a list of my previous blog awards so you can keep up, click here!

Basically, what you have to do to accept this award is 1) share 11 facts about yourself, 2) answer the 7 questions set by your nomination blogger, 3) nominate 11 different bloggers and 4) set 7 questions for the nominated bloggers. Simple enough.
So, firstly, here are my eleven facts;

1)     I’m currently typing this at 12:38 in my maths lesson (woo rebellion)
2)     I’m going down to Swansea for my grandmother’s wedding tomorrow…  a bit late for marriage maybe, but eh, free holiday.
3)     I’m seeing FKG on Friday!
4)     James Blunt’s ‘Cry’ is blaring through my headphones right now – I may have gotten slightly addicted since downloading     Moon Landing…
5)     I’m currently wearing a blue velvet swing dress, black creepers, black and cream odd socks, black banana plant bracelet, mockingbird necklace, five rings and a pair of gold ball earrings.
6)     My camera has a name… (please don’t judge me)*
7)     If I could change my name to anything I’d change it to Luna, because I'm weird and find the moon fascinating, calming.
8)     I like to think that my spirit animal would be either an elephant or a cat. Elephant because, well, they’re just blatantly awesome, no question about it, and cat because I’d like to be fat and warm and sit on the carpet and just be cool and cat-like all day.
9)     I have a massive to-do list 100% of the time. I currently have a list of twelve things to do within the next hour.
10) I have just set my official work experience for an international magazine company in London, and I have another day’s worth this Thursday at a magazine in Swansea.
11) The second I’ve passed my GCSE’s I’m leaving this country, hopefully never to return again.

Next, the questions Hilda’s set;

1)      Can you ride a skateboard?
I have attempted to, many times. Last time I tried I flew backwards and smashed my head on the wooden ground beneath me, very nearly giving myself severe concussion… guess who’s not tried skateboarding recently?

2)     What was the last thing(s) you bought?
A set of moon and star midi rings, half gold and half silver. They’re pretty awesome, and look absolutely lush.

3)     What was the last book you read?
The last book I read was the third Twilight, but I’m currently on the first Game Of Thrones. It’s pretty good, although the sudden POV switches can be a tad confusing at times…

4)     What book did you absolutely hate?
The only book that I’ve hated was the Ten Things I Hate About My Sister hardback by Jacqueline Wilson a few years ago, and it was so bad I’ve stopped reading books by her, despite spending hundreds of dollars on EVERY SINGLE one of her previous ones.

5)     What are you into right now? (Tv shows, movies, songs, games)
TV shows; The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Off Their Rockers
Movies; Chronicle, Repo Men, X-Men Origins Wolverine
Songs; James Blunt’s Cry, David Grey’s Sail Away With Me, Noah and The Whale’s L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
Games; I don’t actually play many games except for doodle jump /:

6)     Have you ever gotten in trouble for something?
Most recently I got told off yesterday for taking a photo of someone’s hair on the train… it was super awkward.

7)     Do you love buying school supplies?
Nope nope nope. They remind me that school’s just around the corner, and I hate that feeling of inevitable doom…

I nominate the following bloggers for The Sunflower Award (I’ve tried not to nominate anyone who’s already been nominated, but let me know if I’ve double-tagged and I’ll replace you);

1)     Grace 
2)     Lexi 
3)     Angela 
4)     Juli 
5)     Sophie 
6)     Ivana 
7)     Khloe 
8)     Rachel 
9)     Layla 
11)   Claire 

And finally, my questions to those formerly mentioned are as follows;
1)     What would your spirit animal be?
2)     If you had the choice not to go to school, would you?
3)     Favourite constellation?
4)     Opinion on dream catchers?
5)     What outfit are you wearing right now?
6)     Opinion on James Blunt (legend)?
7)     If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Also, my competition *click* is open for just another two days, so if you haven’t got your entries in yet maybe now’s a good time to apply! Good luck!! 

*It’s Jayze, pronounced ‘jayzz’  in case anyone’s wondering.


  1. You really are a #rebel. ;) What you're wearing sounds GORGE! *.*

    Thank you so much for tagging me! I'm hoping I'll be able to fit this in at one point. :D

  2. THANKS SO MUCH FOR NOMINATING ME! :) I can't wait to get started you did it very well! C:

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me!! :) I have done my post on The Sunflower Blogger Award!
    Grace xxx ♥ ♥

  4. Thank you so much for nominating me! <3

    HAHA you're crazy! You took a picture of someone's hair? x) I have a feeling we'd get along.... x)
