January 30, 2014

Blog Birthday!

Today is the 30th January 2014. Do you know what that means?

This here blog just turned two years old. Aw, they grow up so fast.

*Sniff* Oh I'm getting all emotional *eyes tear up*.

I would like to thank everyone for their amazing support and wisdom and whatnot, and all my bloggers and followers for commenting and sharing the love. *Cries* Without you all, this blog would have been lost in the Blogosphere, never to be found or read. It's still weird to think that people actually read my blog, and how I even got people over here in the first place. *Rubs eyes*

So, to celebrate, I resolve that every single one of my readers eats a hella lot of cake, and takes a lot of photos to capture this very special moment. 

Happy birthday to this here blog (':


  1. HAPPY blogoversary!!!! ❤️ :)

    I haven't forgotten your email request. i will type it up and send it to you either tomorrow or soon but definitely this month of Feb. i have been busy and i feel too tired to do it right now. But i will do it for you and email it to you. :D

    1. That would be great - just as long as I get it for the 1st March!


    2. Yay, she said yes! I emailed you the answers. My email got stuck a lot so i hope it went through. It's the last email i sent you, the one before i forgot to add the link, LOL!!

    3. I did notice! And it's great, thank you!

    4. You are so welcome. :)

  2. Happy anniversary! Wooooo!

  3. Wow! That is SOOO incredible! LOL it was so nice you made cry *wipes eyes* ahaha LOL. That was so cute and I love the cat, this was soo good you've made me wast to become a better man :) yay thank you!!! <3

  4. I hereby welcome your blog to the terrible two's! (: Congrats on your blogaversary; hope your blog sticks around for many years to come!
