February 06, 2013

The Super Bowl!

Did you guys see the Super Bowl? It was amazing! And Alisha Keys singing the national anthem actually made me cry! Oh! Thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand...

Now for those of you who didn't see it, here's a clip from abc News (where one day I'd like to present on!):

I was GUTTED that the San Francisco 49ers lost, they were SO close! Three points out! And the fact that the owners of the 49ers and Ravens were brothers made it so tense!

Doesn't it make you proud to be American?*


*I'm not actually American but I really wish I was!


  1. I'm not really the sporting type, so no SuperBowl for me :P
    And come now, isn't the Canadian anthem better?
    Oh Canada, true north strong and free...
    Ok you're right. It is kind of a sucky anthem xD
    Though now that I think on it, I don't know the entire thing in English :S We had to sing it in both enlish and french in elementary, so in my mind, it's kinda a hybrid of both :P

    1. haha(: and I'm not a sporting type of person either but come ON, it's American!

    2. Meh I hold the truest stereotype of all Canadians in thinking we are better than America. because we do. Kinda like how the Portuguese in me thinks we're better than Spain ;)

  2. I haven't ever seem the super bowl - might have to go and watch it know. I saw alicia keys on youtube and I agree she was great! Loving your blog soo much!!
    ~Helena xxxx

  3. I miss the awkward donkey :((( but I still like this blog!

  4. Have you disappeared?
    It's been 18 days since your last post..... come back!
    By the way, I've nominated you for the seriously! what a great blog award. Congrats ^_^

  5. Are you still blogging???? It's been too long and I miss your posts! Plus spam is building up above ^.^

    1. I'm back now, and pretty much all spam has been deleted(:
