December 10, 2012


From the past week or so I have gained THREE lovely blog awards. However, since I am on my Awarder's blog at the moment, the first award I'm posting about is the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

Emily from Emily's Chronicles gave me this FABOO award, but as always with an award you get the award rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Place the award on your site
3. Share 7 random things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 blogs. Let them know they’ve been nominated and how to accept the award.

Okay so #1... Done.

#2... Also done.

But #3? Hmm.....

1) Today I got a rejection letter from Vogue saying I'm too young to work and help on their magazine in their offices. Five years too young, in fact. (Sympathy comments, please)

2) I also got rejected by Models One today. Apparently I'm 'not what we're looking for'. Dreams. Over.

3) I just found out that we can only take four other GCSE's of our choice at our school! O: !!!! How unfair is that?!?!?! 

4) My dog has one of those cone things around his neck because he keeps chewing his tail. Haha he looks so funny(:

5) Leading off Point#1, I have, however, been accepted into another magazine. Not as famous as Vogue, but probably a magazine your parents buy from the corner shop.. Details soon(:

6) Six days until my book is publised! Even more details even sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7) I am completely failing in Spanish. Seriously, I even said 'hello' was 'aloha'. That's Hawaiian!

And now for #4....

I'm going to nominate...

Everyone on my sidebar! And really whoever else wants to own this FABOO award. I'm guessing that's not how you're meant to do it but... FIFTEEN?!!?!?!?! Come ON, guys!!

So you're now looking at a VERY INSPIRING blog. Well, it was bound to come around sooner or later.



  1. Congrats.
    I'm nominating you for the 'What An Adorable Blog! Award' so check out my blog for further details. -Abbie.

  2. Yayyy that means I get it! Love the design, whoever designed it!
