December 22, 2012


First up, this is still the blog of an Awkward Donkey, but it has gone through an extreme makeover to fit in as my new fashion blog.

I have finally decided that I would like to be a fashion journalist when I'm older. And here's what I think I need to do to get there...

Step One: Start up a fashion blog.
 -New name
 -New design
 -New posts
 -Fashion reviews
 -Fashion news
 -Fashion interviews

Step Two: Go to Brit School.
 -Or at least try to get in
 -Inspiration: Laura Dockrill
 -Click HERE

Step Three: Go to the London College Of Fashion
 -Inspiration: Felicity Jones
 -Click HERE

Step Four: Intern at London Magazines
 -Such as Glamour, Vogue, Company and Elle
 -Inspiration: Victoria White

Step Five: Move to France
 -Go to art college in France
 -Learn the language
 -Build contacts
 -Intern at fashion magazines such as Bonjour and Mode Hebdomadaire

Step Six: Move to New York
 -Go to the NY Journalism Institute (university)
 -Build contacts
 -Intern at NY fashion magazines such as The Cut and V Magazine
 -Click HERE

Step Seven: Stay in New York or move to London
 -Work at magazine
 -Intern at other magazine

Step Eight: Climb the ladder
 -Move up in the magazine
 -Go on fashion shoots to Madrid and Paris and California
 -Become editor assistant

Step Nine: Reach the top
 -Take over current magazine = become editor
-OR start up own fashion magazine

Step Ten: Be amazing
 -Maybe have my own talk show
 -Constantly interviewed by people such as Oscar de la Renta and Diane von Fürstenberg
 -Speak fluent Prada
 -Part time actress
 -Editor of world wide famous fashion magazine

And so, my dear readers, I have decided to rename my blog, and give it a complete UPDATION.

What do you think of the following blog names? They're all French because I want my blog to have a French theme. Comment with which one is your favourite! ...

1) Le Papillon De La Mode - The Fashion Butterfly
2) De La Mode Vintage - Vintage Fashion
3) Bonjour La Mode! - Hello Fashion!
4) Mode Barbe à Papa - Fashion Candyfloss

But you choose!


*Also, my new signoff! Choose from:
1) Béatitude - Bliss
2) Félicité - Felicity
3) Chérie - Sweet/ Honey


  1. Don't change the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just make a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't forget about Life of an Awkward donkey! But, I do think that Le Papillon De La Mode is a good name! 2 & 3 are a bit cliched and 4 sounds alright... But 1 is the best methinks. Also, if you want inspiration, here's the blog of a really successful teen fashion blogger:!

    1. Ophelia was in Company Magazine the other week, did you know that?

      And yes, I <3 1) very very much!

  2. Or maybe you could have the name Bonjour New York (Hello New York)... I dunno, it sounds like something you'd name a blog! lol :)

    1. Erm.. I like it! But it's a tad confusing! Oui?

  3. I vote for:
    Bonjour La Mode

  4. NOOOOOOO YOU ARE ONE OF MY FAVE BLOGGERS!!!! KEEP AWKWARD DONKE AND MAKE A NEW ONE!!!! But I like Le Papillon De La Mode and Béatitude (cos Felicity is a name, and it's not your name LOL)

    1. I just don't feel it for Awkward Donkey any more, and I'd like to start practicing as a fashion journalist. But it will still be the same old me(:

      And now I've added the name Chérie - what about that?

  5. Cute! I really wish you would make a new blog though, keep the old one even if you only post once a month or so. If you don't want to do that, at least please change the font..... If I can be honest, this one kills my eyes :P

    1. Trouvez-vous mon nouveau schéma de couleurs et de l'écriture?

    2. heh heh: Comment trouvez-vous mon nouveau schéma de couleurs et de l'écriture?
      augh sorry it was bugging me. You're asking "did you find my new colour and writing scheme?"

    3. Oh I meant like :/ and I've changed the writing now, is it better?

    4. Oui, oui! Je ne suis pas douée pour parler français, désolé.

    5. 'Yes, yes! I'm not good at speaking French, sorry.' Hehe(:

  6. Jessica says Pappillion de la mode. But erm, what did you use to translate these? A couple seem a little... off. I'm not sure how to explain it, but as a french speaker myself, the phrasing seems a little too literal.
    also, I vote for making a new blog (I'll definately follow it too!) but I looove Life of an Awkward Donkey! Je vous exige, ne le détruit pas :)

    1. I used Google Translate... :/

    2. And that loosely translates as "I require you, do not destroy", oui? (;

    3. haha ooooh Google Translate xD
      It's alright for single words, but it's often too literal
      a favorite site of mine for singular french words is
      It's really detailed and gives many alternative words so you can specify which you need.
      Also, if you want something to make sure your grammar is completely correct, is your best friend. (make sure to click the "english" button if you can't read french fluently). The only problem is that you need to understand a lot of verb tenses and names to understand what it's telling you. But as you won't be doing much complicated french, il va fonctionner, oui?
      If you need any help with anything, just send me an email, or pop by my blog, and I'll help how I can.
      Bonne chance avec votre français!

  7. ALSO: Will you now have another blog button contest??? o.O
    I'd really like to design you a button!!!

    1. Yes yes yes I will! I just need to find some good prizes!

    2. And have I translated 'butterfly' right? Is it 'papillon' or 'pappillion'

  8. In other news... (Yes I am commenting again),
    I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award!
    be sure to come check it out!

    1. Thank you! But there shall be a post soon on how I'm not going to accept blog awards anymore. Thank you for thinking of me though!

    2. That's alright, a bunch of people don't do them. But it's the thought that counts, yeah?

  9. Hey Amy,
    I've been a big fan of your incredible blog and it would be such a shame to give it up. Taking a new direction is always exciting but your blog has always been so fabulous that it would be sad to say goodbye. I personally agree with the others that you should stay true to your inner donkey and create another blog instead of swiping the old.
    PLZ Follow my blog:) My goal is to get 50 by the end of 2012, I just need 5 more.
    Please help.

    - Sunny/Pink Lady 631 ( )

    1. Oh sorry I thought I was already following? I shall go follow now! But it's still awkward donkey, just with a different name and theme! I'm just expanding my old blog to a better, wider audience so I can practice my fashion journalism for the future. The awkward donkey lives on!
