November 26, 2012


Yesterday I made my first ever Rainbow Cupcakes! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

They turned out like this:

I was so proud!

I'm going to a Great British Bake Off thing tomorrow and I'll be trying out this new recipe - fingers crossed I come 1st place!

And, of course, it's that time of year again! My special Christmas writing pen is out!:

Bit blurred sorry:L

And we put our Christmas tree up too yesterday! (As you can tell, my camera is fixed(: )

Didn't mean to take this photo aha(:

This, however, looks tres cool.

Too big to fit in the whole picture!

I was in charge of the decorations this year - can you tell?(;

The full tree(: And our traditional Christmas mice on the front(: 
Oh, we started wrapping presents for everyone but then a film came on so we stopped(:

And, almost a month late - my October fashion post...

My first attempt. Bleurgh.

Slightly better..

Look at how round this dress makes her look!!!!!!!:L

Okay, so maybe I'm not the next Zedrefler Comandia*... :O

And, did you not hear me in my last post? MY BOOK SHOULD BE OUT BY THE END OF DECEMBER. No one raising an eyebrow???????


*This is not an actual person. Nor is my spellchecker a genius. (It came up with 'Referred Commander'. Pfft.)


  1. Haha, it will be out just in time for Christmas!

    1. *titchy eye*

      No ??????'s?
      Or !!!!!!'s?
      Or even any 0_o 's?


    2. *twitchy.

      I don't have one extremely out of proportion small eye.

  2. Replies
    1. OKAY, OKAY! CALM DOWN!! Well basically I've been looking for a publisher since FOREVER and then a few months back I got a MAGICAL message on Twitter and then I found an illustrator that wanted 45% of what I earn so I agreed because it's 5% less than the average illustrator fee and now I'm going to get my final drafts and my book (title classified for the moment hahahahahahaha) should be out on the 16th December as an e-book (via Kindle and Nooks and stuff!!!!!) and I had to sign a contract and that'll mean that I've published at the grand age of 13 because that's just before my 14th birthday and I'll actually be payed for my book and it's just a children's book to start off with although I do have a novel to be published next year and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

      Thanks for asking(:

    2. EEK, how exciting! How long did it take you to find a publisher and which publishing company is it? I ask because I'm writing a children's book myself at the moment. Let us know when your book is out!

    3. All details shall be revealed!!! MWAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Please. Restrain yourself.

  3. OOOOOOOHHHHH!!! I'm sincerely sorry I didn't get all excited, I just had a feeling you had already done a post on your book and I had missed it and I felt bad to say I didn't know what it was when you had maybe done a post on it..! Anyway, I'm now able to say that I'm super-duper excited and might review it on my blog! :) Keep us updated! Oh, and Maya, are you writing a children's book too? Am I the only one who's not? I feel like such an epic failure..! Oh well, I've almost completed NaNo (wooo!!!)... Have a nice day everyone! XD

  4. THKs AGAIN FOR TELLING YOUR COUSIN! SHOULD I SEND CHAPTER 14 AND 16 TO U AS THEIR DONE WORKING ON NUMBER 18! OH AND congragulations on achiving getting your book pubished under age of 14 could we do that with our book:) ohhave u heard of the shop in brighton called chokywokydoda guess what its all about (i want to go their for my bday)i put some pics on our blog (the life of cecily unibrow)

    1. Yes. Of course I do. It's set in America. AMERICA I SAY!!! *mad face*

    2. Ooh, my mum got the cake for her hen party from chockywockydoodah! That was ages ago when we lived in Brighton, now we live in Wales.
      Amy - it really doesn't surprise me that your book is set in America - I think you might be a leetle bit obsessed with that country! :D

    3. gnejwkgrlbxcilrtu35f6n3.

      And you live in WALES?!?!?!?!?! I just moved from there!!!!!!! Are you in Cardiff or Swansea or..???

    4. I'm in Machynlleth. Where do you live now? :)
