October 29, 2012

Review - A Sea Of Stars by Kate Maryon

Here's my review on A Sea Of Stars by Kate Maryon.

Publisher: Harper Collins
Published: 7th June 2012
Pages: 275
Book: For review
Format: Finished copy, paperback
Contains: Suitable for younger readers

Maya wishes she could go surfing and hang out with her friends on the beach, but as an only child, her parents are pretty protective - especially Mum.
Cat has the freedom to do what she likes - her mum can barely look after herself, let alone her daughter...

Now Maya's family are adopting Cat and the girls' lives sudden collide. As tensions rise and secrets come out, will the girls ever become friends, let alone sisters?

There's Maya - comfy and cosy in her simple life, living in a bubble, protected from the outside world. After losing Alfie, her parents have been pretty protective over her, especially her dream to be a surfer. And then there's Cat - finally put into care after a big 'misunderstanding', no one can tell her what to do. When Maya's family agree on a foster child, suddenly the two girls are thrown together, and have to learn to live side by side in the hardest of circumstances...

I loved this book, although it did say 'gnarly' and 'zabaloosh' a lot, and I despised Cat so much I was focusing more on how much I hate her as a character, than the actual storyline of the book. As expected, Kate Maryon wrote beautifully, living up to high expectations. The cover is absolutely gorgeous, and it gives nothing away yet illustrates the story perfectly, reflecting the brilliant read behind the covers.

I would rate this book an 8/10 and would recommend it for ages 9+.

"No one tells me what to do..."



  1. Great review!
    I follower of my blog (KimberlysKozyKorner.blogspot.com) said that she really liked your blog. And now that I look at yours... I agree with her! :Hits follow: :)

    From the Kozy Korner,

    1. I thought I owed you since Charli found my blog via yours :D

    2. Charli: What is? #SoConfused

    3. Haha :) Basically, Charli found my blog through your blog, still with me right? And sooooo, I was really grateful for that and thought I kinda owed you... So, I gave Kimberly the link to your blog! In other words, I'm the follower she mentioned :P
      ~ Ruby
