October 04, 2012

Review On Jane Airhead by Kay Woodward

Publisher: Andersen Press
Published: 5th November 2009
Pages: 224
Book: To review
Format: Finished copy, Paperback
Contains: Content suitable for younger readers
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Fiction

What's not to love about Jane Eyre? Gothic and passionate, it features the ultimate male hero - Mr Rochester. And that gives Charlotte a top idea: she'll look for a new Mr Rochester for her lovely mum.
So when Charlotte finds the ideal man, she can't believe her luck. He's dark, brooding and mysterious. He's PERFECT. But the real-life romantic hero also turns out to be sarcastic and rude. Does Charlotte really want her mum marrying him?
Perhaps it would have been better if Mr Rochester had stayed between the covers of Charlotte's favourite novel...?

Charlotte has spent her whole life searching for a Mr. Right for her mum, but when he comes along he’s not as brilliant as expected. And with Charlotte’s own Mr. Right just around the corner, will she risk her mum’s happiness for the sake of a few day’s young love? And then something unexpected happens. Not only did she mess up her chance with the boy of her dreams,  but it turns out that her mum’s Mr Rochester is cheating on his wife with her mother! And not with just one  woman, but two! Charlotte’s life is in shreds, but will she be able to sort it all out before it’s too late?

Romantic heroes should be kept behind the covers.

This book was BRILLIANT, sarcastic yet witty, cool yet funny, it has everything a book could need! It was beautifully written, and the cover is LUSH! It gives nothing away about the amazing book inside! Kay Wooward really managed to turn the much loved classic into a work of art, and it is definitely a book to pass down the generations.

I would recommend this book a 8-and-a-half/10, and would recommend it for readers of all ages. Whether you’re nine, or ninety-nine, this book will leave you in stitches.


p.s. Have you guys noticed my new poll? Anyone can enter, so please PLEASE do!

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