September 12, 2012

Are You A Copy-Flamingo Or An Original-Donkey?

Okay, so I bought a new calender, and I've written down what I'm going to post about for the next couple of days. And today's was 'how do you draw'. So, I went through a bunch of my drawings, and came across these...

This is the doughnut-thing from the Moshi Monsters website. The people up the road from us work for the magazine and do the comic strip, and said I could do some work experience with them. so here's the first draft of five Moshling-things... 

The duck called DJ QUACK..

I just went on Google to try and find its name, but it actually has freckles and eyelashes... but hey, I think my one's cuter(;

These two are pretty rubbish, but I thought I'd show you anyway.

I think I'm better drawing my own stuff than copying others (like my failed Moshi Monsters attempts). This boy was meant to be a mouse but oh well..

Characters for my new debut children's series (I went into the future by a few years, and apparently it becomes a best seller)... *laughs*

And that's all for now! I'm going to leave you on a cliffhanger so big, it'll.. er. It'll.. be quite big.

So are you more a copy-flamingo than an original-donkey?


p.s. I don't know why my competition images aren't showing up. I'm copying and pasting them directly from the email?


  1. WOW! They are really great drawings! My sister loves Moshi Monsters!
    Congrats on your work experience Amy

  2. I'm better at copying so probably a copy-flamingo!

  3. Hi Amy-Anne!
    OK, I think I know what's wrong. You can't really copy and paste from the e-mail you've recieved them in because it's off of your logged-in e-mail, so the image address won't go anywhere. I suggest downloading them off the e-mail and going from there :D And cute pictures!

  4. Yeah i THINK if you save them on to your computer and upload them only then it;ll work?
    Coolio pics!

  5. I think... both? Although, I do tend to examine drawing styles and traits and use them in my original work :)
    (sorry for not being here in a while... homework! And if you want to know how much...
