July 14, 2012

Recipes For Dummies; Chocolate Melt-In-The-Middle Cupcakes

I didn't explain clearly yesterday, as I was meant to be doing my bedroom (still not done...). But for ONE WEEK and ONE WEEK only, I will be posting recipes, recipes, and nothing but recipes. And guess what it's for? National Recipe Week!



100g/4oz caster sugar
100g/4oz softened butter
2 free range eggs, pre-beaten
100g/4oz self-raising flour
Half a teaspoon of vanilla essence
Half a teaspoon of chocolate spread PER CAKE

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius/ 375 degrees Fahrenheit/ Gas Mark 5. Put the sugar, butter and egg in a mixing bowl and beat until creamy and smooth. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix again. Add in the vanilla essence and stir. Then, evenly place half a tablespoon of half of your cake mixture into each cupcake case, and then add in half a teaspoon of chocolate spread on top of that mixture. Then smooth the rest of your cake mixtures over the lemon turd, and put the tin (holding all the cases) into the oven for twenty minutes. Wash up, take the cakes out, and EATTTTTTTT!!!!

Cover the chocolate spread with the cupcake mixture...

...Like so...

...Put in the oven, take out and...

Hungry yet?!?!



  1. Oops, and ignore the random highlighting again, I was going to highlight it all red but then changed it to white and now I don't know how to get it back again... <3

  2. Yum that looks to die for....

