July 26, 2012

New Design..?

Hey, just a quick post because I'm packing for Wales on Saturday - I want to change my blog's design, but what to? And, even though it's a bit belated, it will be for my celebratory 3000 pageviews, so, er, here's your reward!!

Option #1; The design it has now, but just in white instead of blue.

Option #2; 



All tiled in the background, or would that be too hard to read?

Option #3; Striped background. But what colour?

Option #4; A garden theme, with the green grass and blue sky.

Sorry but you'll have to imagine it...:L



  1. There's a striped template already on blogger, one stripe darker one stripe lighter of your chosen colour. But what colour??

  2. check out this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?aq=f&rlz=1T4SVEA_enGB390GB390&q=stripes&gs_upl=0l0l2l10145lllllllllll0&aqi=g5&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Nc0SULtz48nRBeukgKgJ&biw=1613&bih=858&sei=N80SUMauAoKd0QWIl4CwBA#um=1&hl=en&rlz=1T4SVEA_enGB390GB390&tbm=isch&q=blue+and+green+stripes&revid=318166864&sa=X&ei=OM0SUIPPJqHW0QWyzYGIBw&ved=0CE8QgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=f6d66c4cbc95b509&biw=1613&bih=858

    (It's meant to be a link, if it doesn't work, just copy and paste it into your address bar) I like the second image, and it works as tiling if you put it as your 'background' as you can't tell where it starts or finishes if you know what i mean? xxx
