July 08, 2012

Liebster Award #3 & #4

My eleven year-old niece stayed at my house for three days, so sorry I couldn't be here to post.

This is my FOURTH Liebster Award, with my first two being nominated by Emily and Neevie. Because I'm trying to watch 'Ice Princess' at the same time as writing this, I might be a bit short with my answers. And, so I don't have to type out the first three parts of this award, I'll just give you the link so you can check them out for yourselves - http://awkwarddonkey.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/sorry-for-abandoning-you-and-uh-yay.html Welcome(:

So, my third set of questions were asked by Mars @InkDropperr, and so here they are..!

1. If you could change your blog's name what would you pick? 
Confessions Of A Teenage Llama!
2. Favourite book? BOOKS?
The Small Blue Thing Trilogy by S. C Ransom!!
3. If you could have dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be?
Honestly, I have no idea. Rubbish answer, I know. Sorry!
4. Summer or winter?
Summer! Even though Christmas, my birthday, New Years' Eve and National Donkey Day are all in Winter, scorching hot Summer days in Wales beats the freezing England winter anytime.
5. Do you pronounce scones like: a) scOWNs or b) scONs
a) scOWNs.
6. Favourite Boy name and Girl name?
Boy name= Jasper, girl name= Alaska.
7.Are you supertitous?
8. Biggest Dream?
To be an Internationally Famous Professional Artistic Roller Skating Champion, and the first PRS to ever make it bigin New York City.
9. Weirdest fear?
Loud trucks and buses!
10. Favourite quote?
'One day your story will be told, they'll love you because you took a chance' by James Blunt, and 'You are the author of your own story and you can tell it any way you want,' by Jandy Nelson
And then the questions that Ella @EverythingElla sent me are...
1) If you could only choose one subject to post about, every single time, what would it be?
Isn't it obvious? How good (or bad...) my rollerskating is going! Then you would know where the first PRS came from, and how she got to where she is today... in the future, obviously.

2) If you could be an animal - what would you be?!
CAT! I'd love to sleep all day, eat all night(:

3) How many teeth have you lost (I know that question is VERY weird!)
All of my 'Milk' Teeth. And, did you know, that I had my full set of teeth at the age of only six months? Oh, wait, DUHH, of course you wouldn't know that...

4) If you had to live in one country that wasn't in GB what would it be?
America; New York to be exact.

5) If you wrote a book - who would you dedicate it to? Why?
Again, sorry I don't know! I'm not very good at this whole 'interview' concept, am I?

6) If you spent a day with one author, who would it be?!

7) If an author asks you if you like their book, and you HATE it, what would you say?!
That it could have been improved...(:
8) How did you come up with the name for your blog?
Because I love donkeys, and at the moment I'm suffering from this awkward phase called 'teenage-ism'

9) What would be your ideal holiday?
A hot skiing convention in New York that has FREE all-day rollerskating lessons, using the harsh, yet amazing-looking techniques of professional skiers. Oh, and I'd want to sleep in a massive room full of donkeys, with the smell of mint flooding my nostrils, with bags of chocolate served 24/7. Obviously.

10) If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
We Are Young, by Fun.

And KABOOM!! Ice Princess has finished. Thanks a lot.

But, it's OKAY, I will forgive you, if you vote in this week's poll... *hint hint*

Oh, and do you guys want me to start putting up more photo posts, roller posts and my-life-in-one-post posts? This is, YOUR BLOG, people!


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