April 23, 2012


My thirty-fifth review is Forget Me Not by Anne Cassidy.
I’m not sure if this would actually count as a review as I couldn’t finish the rest of the book. I guess I could have if I’d wanted but I actually found it immensely boring and long-going. I just think Cassidy droned on a bit, sorry to say. And if the first eight chapters don’t pull you in and make you want to read more, I just don’t know what does.
So here’s my review on what I’ve read, and I’m going to try and make it more exciting than it actually is, so this may be a bit of a short review.
Jade was stolen. Stolen from her cot in her sleep. Stolen from her house. Stolen from the ones she loved.
And who’s to blame?
Well Stella’s mum won’t admit where she was last night. The night Jade was stolen.
Mrs Parfitt’s already to blame for one death, but she claims that baby was taken from her whilst walking in the woods. Is that true?
Or is it just an alibi for a truly terrifying event?
I skipped to page twenty-five and it all made sense as to what had happened in the book. I actually think that is rather quite sad and that the book would have been immense if the first few chapters weren’t as boring as they were.
But they were, and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
So I’m rating it a 2/10; even less than The Worst Thing About My Sister by Jacqueline Wilson. The storyline should be for ages 13+, but it was so boring you could use it as a lullaby to a sleeping toddler. Harsh, I know, but I had to force myself to read even the little I did read.
So sorry Anne, but not your best work.

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