April 30, 2012


Finally, here are the competition winners!!

For Orange I chose Gingerbread by Lola Rose, because not only do I think it's an IMMENSE name for a fish, but also because I LURVEEEE gingerbread!!

For Green I chose Gandelf by Penguin People, because it's a really wacky and unusual name (I think) and I think of elves in little green suits when the name Gandelf comes up.

For Red  chose Vermillion by Ebony Black Lines. I loved ALL your names, but it would have been a twinge unfair if I'd picked them all..(:

For Yellow I chose Banana by Music Donkey, because although it's a really simple name, I think it's unusual for a fish name.

And for Blue I chose Indigo by Orli because I like the way it sounds, and it's quite a mysterious name...

So, you all win a short story about you and your fish (will be written and posted soon) and the fish keeps the name. Also, because I don't think it's enough, I'll add your blog to my sidebar (with your permission of course) and you can ask next week's Mystery Author five questions each(:

Now all you have to do is comment below with your five questions, and stay tuned!



  1. Thank you for choosing me! :))

    My five questions....
    Can he/she give a title or first line that we can turn into a story?
    What was his/her inspiration for their stories?
    Who/what inspired them to become an author.
    What are their tips for budding writers?
    And...How much do they write in one week?


    1. Nice questions!!
      And honestly, no need to thank me(:

  2. WOOOOO!!! Don't bother with the button, my blog's not that good. I haven't really been looking after it and I only have like two posts but oh well.

    Hmmm... My questions are:

    1. Why did they want to become an author?
    2. How long have they wanted to be an author?
    3. What's the favourite book not written by them?
    4. What's their favourite book written by them?
    5. Did they ever feel like giving up?


  3. Sorry for the late comment!

    1. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
    2. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
    3. What book are you reading now?
    4. Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
    5. If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

    Thanks for choosing my entry!
